
My Notes on Code-Review

The Fast Approach


  • Using grep => Look for specific dangerous patterns like specific ->
    • functions
    • strings
    • keywords
    • and coding patterns that are known to be dangerous.
    • Like => eval() function
  • Focus on the search for dangerous functions used on user-controlled data.

Leaked Secrets and Weak Encryption

  • Look for leaked secrets and credentials
  • Developers make mistakes of hardcoding secrets such as => API keys, encryption keys, and database passwords into source code
    • If Leak -> the attacker can use these credentials to access the company’s assets.
  • Grep keywords like => such as =>
    • key, secret, password, encrypt, API, login, or token
  • Also regex based search for hex or base64 strings
    • It depends on the key format of the credentials we are looking for
    • Example => GitHub access tokens are lowercase, 40-character hex strings
      • A search pattern like [a-f0-9]{40} would find them in the source code
  • Entropy scanning -> Can help us to find secrets that don’t adhere to a specific format.
    • That means => find secrets that is in randomness formats [Thus unpredictable]
    • Example => aaaaa => weak entropy or low entropy
    • Example => A longer string with a larger set of characters, like wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY => has higher entropy.
    • Entropy is therefore a good tool to find highly randomized and complex strings, which often indicate a secret
    • Good Tool => TruffleHog =>
      • searches for secrets by using both regex and entropy scanning
  • Weak Cryptography or Hashing Algorithm
    • Hard - During Black Box Pentesting
    • Easy to spot - During Code Review
    • Look for issues such as weak encryption keys, breakable encryption algorithms, and weak hashing algorithms
    • Grep the names of weak algorithms like ECB, MD4, and MD5.
      • The application might have functions named after these algorithms, such as
        • ecb(), create_md4(), or md5_hash()
      • might also have variables with the name of the algorithm, like ecb_key, and so on
    • The impact of weak hashing algorithms depends on where they are used
    • If they are used to hash values that are not considered security sensitive, their usage will have less of an impact than if they are used to hash passwords.

New Patches and Outdated Dependencies

  • If have access to the commit or change history of the source code
    • Focus on the most recent code fixes and security patches
  • Recent changes haven’t stood the test of time and are more likely to contain bugs.
  • Look at the protection mechanisms implemented and see if you can bypass them.
  • Also search for the program’s dependencies and check whether any of them are outdated
  • Grep for specific code import functions in the language we are using with keywords =>
    • import, require, and dependencies
  • Then research the versions they’re using to see if any vulnerabilities are associated with them in the CVE database

Developer Comments

  • We must also look for
    • developer comments and
    • hidden debug functionalities, and
    • accidentally exposed configuration files
  • Developers often forgot above things
  • Developer comments can point out obvious programming mistakes.
  • We can find developer comments by searching for the comment characters of each programming language
    • Python => #
    • Java / JavaScript / C++ => //
  • Beside comments, we also need to search for =>
    • todo, fix, completed, config, setup, and removed in source code

Debug Functionalities and Configuration Files and Endpoints

  • Hidden debug functionalities often lead to privilege escalation,
    • as they’re intended to let the developers themselves bypass protection mechanisms
  • We can often find them at special endpoints
  • Configuration files
    • allows us to gain more information about the target application and might contain credentials
    • Look for filepaths to configuration files in source code as well
    • Configuration files often have the file extensions
      • .conf, .env, .cnf, .cfg, .cf, .ini, .sys, or .plist
  • Additional paths, deprecated endpoints, and endpoints
    • These are endpoints that users might not encounter when using the application normally.
    • But , If found by attacker => lead to vulnerabilities such as authentication bypass and sensitive - information leak, depending on the exposed endpoint.
    • search for strings and characters that indicate URLs like
      • HTTP, HTTPS, slashes (/), URL parameter markers (?), file extensions (.php, .html, .js, .json), and so on.

The Detailed Approach

Instead of reading the entire codebase line by line, try following strategies to maximize our efficiency

Important Functions

  • When reading source code, focus on important functions,
    • such as authentication, password reset, state-changing actions, and sensitive info reads.
  • Which parts of the application are important depend on the priorities of the organization.
  • Also review how important components interact with other parts of the application.
  • This will show us that => how an attacker’s input can affect different parts of the application.

User Input

  • Another approach is to carefully read the code that processes user input.
  • User Input => the entry points for attackers to exploit the application’s vulnerabilities
    • HTTP request parameters
    • HTTP headers
    • HTTP request paths
    • Database entries
    • File Reads
    • File Uploads
  • Focusing on parts of the code that deal with user input will provide a good starting point for identifying potential - dangers
  • Also must review to how the user input gets stored or transferred.
  • Also, see whether other parts of the application use the previously processed user input.
  • We, might find that the same user input interacts differently with various components of the application.
